
Visionary Craniosacral Work ®

VCSW® uses gentle touch to assess and release patterns of tension to restore the body’s inherent self-correcting mechanism.  Clients may feel muscle releases and subtle shifts as their body realigns. Clients comment that they have less discomfort, feel more ease in their body and have increased range of motion. The number of sessions needed varies and depends on the complexity of the presenting conditions.  Clients are fully dressed during sessions. Please wear comfortable non-restrictive clothing.

VCSW® is a whole body treatment that may be useful in treating a number of conditions including: acute and chronic pain, muscular imbalances, repetitive strain injuries, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome,  headaches, neck and shoulder issues, fatigue, tension and anxiety.

Advanced Integrative Energy Healing™

AIEH specializes in the biofield, the bio electromagnetic field that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body.  The biofield can be excessive (over charged), deficient (under charged), unbalanced or blocked which may lead to fatigue, anxiety, tension, pain and illness.  Clients may feel subtle shifts as their energy field balances and comes into coherence.  Clients report feeling more grounded and balanced, a deeper sense of well- being and increased vitality. 

The number of sessions recommended varies dependent on the complex health history of each individual. Clients are fully dressed during sessions. Please wear comfortable non-restrictive clothing. Energy work may affect blood sugar levels.  If you are diabetic please bring your blood glucose meter, snacks and allow an additional 20 minutes after your session to measure your blood sugar levels.

Fascial work

Just like a rope, the network of fascia that connects the whole body can literally become wound up and taut leading people to feel pain, tense and anxious. Repetitive movements or injury from sprains, strains, twists, compression or contractions can become chronic from stress and compensation.  Restrictions and misalignment affect the body’s stability, flexibility and ease of movement.

The interconnection of fascia is such that restrictions (i.e. twisting or contraction) in one area of the body can affect another area of the body.  Just like the tug on any part of a net or fabric impacts the whole fabric, knee pain may be caused by a restriction in the opposite shoulder which affects the whole body’s alignment and function.  Shelagh works with the fluidity of the body and muscle memory to release patterns of strain and restriction to support the body to realign which may result in improved balance, stability and ease of movement. 

Shelagh’s clients report that they:

breathe deeper and more fully,  

feel deeply relaxed,

feel content,

feel less anxious,  

feel grounded,

have more space and comfort in their jaw,

have improved mood and mental clarity,

have increased energy,

have decreased tension and discomfort,

have improved balance and stability,

have more ease in their body and increased range of motion,

have increased sense of well-being,

have improved digestion and elimination,

sleep better.

Clients also comment that they have greater body awareness and benefit from the self care practices they learn.


Initial session is 2 hours for $140.

Follow up sessions are:  2 hrs for $140  (complex cases / additional time for self care practices); 1.5 hrs for $120 (follow up); 1 hr for $85 (maintenance); and 30 minutes for $40 (tune up).

Sessions for children (up to 18 years old) are 60 minutes for $45 and 30 minutes for $25.

Sessions are not covered by MSP.  Sessions may be covered by extended health care under flex benefits or general health spending.  Check with your extended health care provider.